
I’m Uriel.

I'm a mechanical design engineer, currently contributing to the technology industry.

Developing hardware used to drive; generative artificial intelligence (AI), large-scale analytics, machine learning (ML), and machine perception.

I enjoy making goods that elevate the users' experience through thoughtful design.

Communication with users and connecting with each product I design helps shape my understanding of what is useful and important in products.

I strive to design emotionally engaging goods that will last a lifetime. My goal is to make products that are a pleasure to use.

I am environmentally considerate with all aspects of design, production, and transportation of goods.

I love design and how it can help the world, it is my intention to contribute to this effort. Many great designers and engineers have come before me, each day I am cognizant I step on the shoulders of giants.

I believe in thoughtful, conscientious, and intentional product design